Education as Consumption and as Investment
can be viewed as consumption, as investment, and as complementary consumption
and investment. Education as consumption is education as a basic human right.
Or is one of the democratic rights owned by every citizen. So that up to a
certain level, the government must do the procurement. Therefore, in many
countries basic education (SD and SLTP) is used as compulsory education. As a
consequence education at this level education is not only a right but also an
obligation for every citizen at a certain age level (in Indonesia between 6 and
15 years).
terms of the nature of the need, the provision of education at this level is a
public good. Then seen from the motivation, education as consumption is
motivated by the desire to satisfy the need for personality development, social
needs, the need for knowledge, and understanding. Furthermore, regarding the
time orientation is now. The demand for education is influenced by the size of
disposable income.
Education as an Investment Aims
obtain a higher net income or rate of return in the future. The cost of
education in this type of education is seen as the amount of money that is
purchased to obtain or invest in a number of human capital (human capital)
which can increase economic capacity
in the future. Education as an investment is based on the assumption that
humans are a form of capital (capital) like other forms of capital which are
crucial for the productivity growth of a nation. Through his own investment, a person can expand alternatives to other activities so as to improve his welfare
in the future.
as a Complementary Consumption And Investment
after compulsory education has the objective not only to gain knowledge,
understanding, personality development, and satisfaction of social needs
(status and prestige) as well as to get a better job, so as to get a higher net
income for life in the future. Come.
accordance with the description above, the amount of education a person
receives will have an influence on the level of income he/she earns, although
it does not fully guarantee. However, this trend is quite large. More visit
here Thanks.
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